Thursday, September 02, 2004

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, aka There is a w**re living in my house ;-)

To set the record straight, that is the title of a great bit of tv I was watching yesterday, not a comment on my roommate.

Anyway, I have been on vacation for about one week, and it has been great so far. Last weekend was my cousin's wedding where I met a lot of cousins that I have not seen in quite a while (15-18 years). Spent some time with my brother, and his family, and then visited the "Old Man" for a bit, then off to my sisters for a few hours, and then back to the "Peg", and another two sisters and of course their children.

Lets just say that after being up for 14 hours and driving a few hundred kilometres, noise is not what I was looking for so off to my Aunt and Uncle's for some quiet. Then yesterday morning, some quality TV, and then I met my buddy for soup, and while it was ok, I am sure glad the "Spring Roll House" is walking distance back home.

Well, at least one more week before I head back east, I have to be back to work on the 13th. At which time I can add pictures of my trip along the "Highway of giant animals" aka Highway 11.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Qu'est-ce que ce passe?

Bonjour, mes professeurs seront heureux, parce que j’écris en français, (mais sans accents). Pourquoi, je fait ça, parce que je dois améliorer mes habilites de parler, et d'écrire français, pour mon poste. En fait, c'est possible d'utiliser MS Word pour l'orthographe et les accents. Je fait une petite duperie.

Donc, ce soir, je vais commencer de lire Le seigneur des anneaux, et dans ce journal (Blog), j'essaie de faire une petite description de ça, mais il peut prendre plus de temps d'écrire ça, mais il doit arriver.

En même temps, mon site Web fonctionne bien, il y a des photos, une description de ma vie, et quelque fils avec autres sites que je trouve intéressant. Cependant, je dois aller au lit, je suis fatigue, et il y a quelque pages, je dois lire avant que je couche.

Its alive

So the web page is up and running, my sister was able to find it, but not the "Old Man", I sure hope he was not using the microwave again, ;-). Four more sleeps, until vacation, I sure need a break. The back is still a little sore, Robaxacet and hot baths I strongly recommend them. Well off to try and do some productive things, fix a leaky faucet or maybe improve my DOA capabilities.

Immortality: Think on it?

Thursday, August 19, 2004

It all starts with a letter

Hey, just thought, I would get this thing started, so I can link to this. I am currently building a web page, Yes, I know a little bit of an ego, but hey on the web we are all anonnoymous, (and maybe bad spellers).

Today, a second day at home, with an injured back, I think I am starting to feel my age. Well, at least I have movies to entertain me, because DAYTIME TV sucks, where are all the great shows, Springer, Blind Date, Fifth Wheel, ;-).